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TIPS TO PROTECT YOUR VEHICLE Ottawa police say the following tips can help protect your vehicle from thieves: Park inside a garage if available (in ...
The Ottawa Police Service and Crime Stoppers are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying a suspect in a fraud. The suspect was involved in a ...
The Ottawa Police and Crime Stoppers are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying two suspects in theft. On the 16th of July 2023, a male ...
The Ottawa Police Service and Crime Stoppers are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying a suspect in an attempt break and enter. On the 1st ...
The Ottawa Police Service Break and Enter Unit and Crime Stoppers are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying a suspect involved in a break and ...

(Ottawa) – The National Capital Area Crime Stoppers is pleased to be participating in Crime Stoppers Awareness month this January.   Crime Stoppers is a ...
The Ottawa Police Service West Break and Enter unit and Crime Stoppers are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying 2 suspects in a break and ...
Doubling down to stop gun violence

National Capital Area Crime Stoppers Double Down to Stop Gun Violence and Keep All Communities Safe: Double Tip Rewards up to $2000. Gun violence remains ...

Suspects to identify in a break and enter

UPDATE: SUSPECTS IDENTIFIED   The Ottawa Police Service and Crime Stoppers are seeking the public’s attention in identifying three suspects in a break and enter. ...
The Ottawa Police Service Break and Enter Unit and Crime Stoppers are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying a suspect in a break and enter. ...
The Ottawa Police Service and Crime Stoppers are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying a suspect in fraudulent use of stolen bank card. This suspect ...
The Ottawa Police Service Robbery Unit is seeking public assistance in identifying a suspect involved in a robbery on November 22nd in the 2000 block ...

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    Bail or Jail Raises $14,350 Jan 27 2011

    Nation Capital Area Crime Stoppers’ Bail or Jail Fundraising Event Exceeds Goal!

    OTTAWA – Thursday, January 27th, 2011-01-27


    In what can only be called a great success, National Capital Area Crime Stoppers raised $14,350 today at their annual Bail or Jail fund Raiser.

    In their new venue, Billings Bridge shopping centre, laughter reigned, money flowed and community support was palpable.  Board Chairman Keith de Bellefuille Percy said, “This was clearly one of our more successful Bail or Jail events.  Our team put together a fun event, building great momentum for 2011.  The 1964 Police cruiser provided by Ottawa Police Services, placed prominently in the main concourse, was a truly unique holding area for bailees. ”

    NCA Crime Stoppers welcomed such community leaders as John Baird, Lisa MacLeod, David Kilgour, Rabbi Bulka, City of Ottawa Councillors, Chiarelli, Hobbs, Egli, El-Chantiry, Chief Vern White, Deputy Fire Chief Karkkainen; Lyall Steele and Tim Redpath.  They even had most of the Board for Crime Stoppers in Jail.

    With Communications Chair Lucia Harper as Crown prosecutor and Fund Raising Chair Alex Lewis hosting the event, it was truly a fun filled community event.  Their banter kept mall patrons in stitches.  Lewis said, “We saw the community come together in a new way today.  Passers-by engaged with the “bailees”, people reached into their pockets for donations and I believe we will continue to put the “fun” back in fund raising.  This theme continues with our next event, Crushing Crime with Comedy to be held March 31st at Absolute Comedy.”

    This was clearly a great way to finish Crime Stoppers Month in the National Capital Area.  For more information on upcoming events visit:

    –          30 –

    For information contact:

    Lucia Harper – 613-853-3345

    Janvier 2011 – Bulletin d’hiver

    Depuis le lancement d’Échec au crime dans la région de la capitale nationale en 1985, nous avons reçu plus de 32 000 renseignements qui ont mené à 4 500 arrestations, 7 500 inculpations et 4 800 conclusions d’affaires criminelles. Ces renseignements ont également permis la récupération de plus de 60 millions de dollars de biens volés et de drogues.

    Mais les statistiques ne font voir qu’un côté de la médaille. Les résultats suivants de renseignements d’Échec au crime, pendant une période de seulement deux semaines, sont plus éloquents :

    –   deux pédophiles ont été capturés;

    –   une affaire de violence familiale grave a été interrompue et des armes ont été saisies;

    –   un membre d’une bande recherché par plusieurs organismes a été capturé et des armes à feu illégales, un gilet pare-balles et des stupéfiants ont été saisis;

    –   des six vidéos d’Échec au crime affichées sur YouTube, quatre crimes ont été résolus.

    Outre notre ligne de renseignements bien utile (613‑233‑TIPS), nous avons mis en place d’autres méthodes pour que les particuliers puissent nous donner des renseignements, en leur garantissant le même anonymat. Non seulement est‑il possible d’utiliser notre site Web (, mais il est également possible de nous envoyer un message texte à (TEXT NO LONGER SUPPORTED) en indiquant le mot clé « Tip 252 ». Les statistiques indiquent que plus d’un tiers des renseignements que nous recevons nous sont désormais envoyés de cette façon.

    Nos partenaires des médias grand courant (Rogers Cable, CTV et TVA) jouent un rôle important dans la promotion du programme Échec au crime, mais les médias « sociaux » que nous utilisons, tels que Facebook, YouTube et Twitter, connaissent également une grande popularité, surtout chez les jeunes. En effet, dans la communauté nationale d’Échec au crime, votre programme local d’Échec au crime a été reconnu comme révolutionnaire dans ce domaine.

    Au sujet des jeunes, nous sommes particulièrement contents de voir que nos efforts visant à sensibiliser les jeunes à Échec au crime commencent à porter fruits. Notre Comité dynamique des jeunes, qui travaille en collaboration avec notre coordonnateur du service de police, est très actif et met au point des initiatives qui visent les jeunes vulnérables dans les écoles ainsi que dans la communauté dans son ensemble.

    Comme toujours, recueillir des fonds pour le programme Échec au crime est une tâche difficile. Nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous soutenir à l’occasion des activités de collecte de fonds suivantes qui seront organisées pendant les prochains mois :

    Caution ou prison

    Pour célébrer le mois national d’Échec au crime, cette collecte de fonds annuelle sera organisée, jeudi, le 27 janvier au Centre commercial Billings Bridge, de 11 h à 18 h.  Nous sommes toujours à la recherche de « prisonniers » pour cette activité amusante. Seriez-vous prêt à approcher vos amis ou collègues qui pourraient donner des fonds pour votre « caution »?

    L’humour à la rescousse!

    Pour la première édition de cette collecte de fonds humoristique, nous nous retrouverons en soirée jeudi, le 31 mars au club Absolute Comedy, au 412, rue Preston. Les billets sont en vente à seulement 20 $. Venez vous amuser avec nous. Appelez le 613‑482‑7910 pour réserver vos billets.

    Tournoi de golf

    Notre 26e tournoi de golf annuel avec vente aux enchères aura lieu mercredi, le 29 juin au Canadian Golf & Country Club. Les frais d’inscription sont de 125 $ par golfeur. Il est possible de commanditer des trous pour 100 $.  Nous sommes à la recherche de golfeurs, de commanditaires de trous et d’articles à donner pour les tombolas et pour la vente aux enchères.

    Pour en savoir plus sur ces activités, ou pour offrir vos services au programme Échec au crime comme bénévole, consultez notre site Web ( ou communiquez avec notre bureau au 613‑482‑7910.

    Newsletter Jan 2011

    Winter 2011

    Since the introduction of the Crime Stoppers program in the National Capital area in 1985, we have received more than 32,000 tips, leading to some 4,500 arrests, 7,500 charges and 4,800 criminal cases being cleared. Along the way, these tips have led to the recovery of more than 60 million dollars in stolen property and drugs.

    However statistics tell only part of the story. The following results of Crime Stoppers tips during just one two-week period are more telling:

    –          the capture of 2 pedophiles

    –          the halting of a serious domestic abuse case where weapons were seized

    –          the capture of a gang member wanted by several agencies, with the seizure of illegal firearms,

    a bullet-proof vest and narcotics

    –          of 6 Crime Stoppers videos posted on YouTube, 4 crimes were solved.

    In addition to our well-used “TIPS” line (613-233-TIPS) we have implemented alternative methods for people to report information, with the same assurance of anonymity. Not only can you use our website (, but you can Tip by Text message to (TEXT NO LONGER SUPPORTED) citing key word  “Tip 252”. Statistics indicate that more than one-third of the tips we receive are now sent to us in this manner.

    In addition to the major part played by our mainstream media partners ( Rogers Cable, CTVand TVA) in promoting the Crime Stoppers program, our employment of “social” media such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter has met with much success, particularly in reaching out to youth. Indeed, within the nation-wide Crime Stoppers community, your local Crime Stoppers program has been recognized as an innovator in this field.

    On the subject of youth, we are especially pleased that our efforts to develop awareness of Crime Stoppers among our youth, is now beginning to produce results. Our dynamic Youth Committee, working with our Police Coordinator, is very active in developing initiatives targeting vulnerable youth both within the schools and in the wider community.

    As always, raising funds for the Crime Stoppers program continues to pose a challenge. We urge your support of the following fundraising events which will be held in the coming months:

    Bail or Jail

    To mark National Crime Stoppers month, this annual fundraiser will be held on Thursday, January 27th at Billings Bridge Plaza, from 11:00AM to 6:00 PM.   “Jailees” are still needed for this fun event. Would you consider rounding up some friends or associates who would be willing to contribute to your bail ?

    Crushing Crime with Comedy Night

    This first-time fundraiser will be held on the evening of Thursday, March 31st at Absolute Comedy, 412 Preston St. Tickets are priced at only $20.00. Come out and join in the fun.  Call 613-482-7910 to book your tickets

    Golf Tournament

    Our 26th Annual Golf Tournament & Auction will be held on Wednesday, June 29th at the Canadian Golf & Country Club.  Registration fee is $125 per golfer. Hole sponsorships are available for $100.  Golfers, hole sponsors, and donations of items for raffle or auction are needed.

    For further information about any of these events, or to offer your services to the Crime Stoppers program as a volunteer, please visit our website ( or contact our administration office at 613-482-7910.